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We at bocasdeltoro.com are pleased to bring you the exclusive news that Robert Bezeau, developer of Plastic Bottle Village was awarded the Environmental Excellence Award on Thursday October 26, 2017. Robert was competing against some very big and well known corporations for the award and is one of the first foreigners to win the prize presented by MiAMBIENTE.

“The Ministry of the Environment (MIAMBIENTE) with the objective of recognizing social, educational, commercial and communication initiatives that contribute to sustainable development, awarded the 2nd set of Awards for Environmental Excellence 2017. The Minister of Environment in charge, Emilio Sempris, said that the Environmental Excellence Award is the recognition given to good practices in the environmental management of natural, legal, private, public, registered community-based organizations, students, educators, NGOs, companies, journalists and institutions that have contributed to the best use of environmental potential, to the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, to education and environmental culture.” (http://www.miambiente.gob.pa)

In the subcategory of Environmental Commitment of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Robert Bezeau won the award, for the Project or initiative: Plastic Bottle Village. They specifically liked his Carbon Footprint Sticker plan, which we told you about in our September 25th article the Dream Goes Global http://bocasdeltoro.com/bocas-news/the-dream-goes-global-plastic-bottle-villages-newest-initiative/. This is a great honor that is well deserved for all of the hard work, countless hours of brainstorming and drafting plans that Robert has put into making his dream a reality. All of us at bocasdeltoro.com knew from the first ever interview done at Plastic Bottle Village, by us, that this initiative would grow by leaps and bounds and we are so very proud of everything that has been accomplished.

Congratulations Robert on a well-deserved award! Visitors, while you are in Bocas del Toro, be sure to pick up your Carbon Footprint Stickers for a small contribution and help Robert help the archipelago and the entire planet. If you are interested in a tour of his development, made entirely of structures using the PET bottles, just ask anyone and they can point you in the right direction. Let’s all help Robert keep Bocas breathtaking.